Our Story
North Point Academy
Who We Are
In the words of Matt Trenchard, co-founder of NPA:
“Sarah Anthony and I have both been based in Dubai for more than 10 years and have worked, as coaches, with peoples of almost all backgrounds and from many different walk of life, from directors of multi-nations companies to eager entrepreneurs just setting out. Sarah and I created the NPA Certificate in Professional Coaching to meet a growing need for coaches and coaching skills that are authentic to how we and others in the region understand the world to be. We call this understanding our Coaching Philosophy.”
Our Vision and Goals
North Point Academy exists to help people achieve a grander vision for their life and help others do the same. The programme goal is that NPA coaches are viewed as the most respected and used coaches in the region.
With this is mind, a NPA Coach:
- Can identify their own and others’ world views
- Shows vulnerability and builds intimacy
- Expresses warmth and empathy
- Recognises their market niche
- Distinguishes between content and process
- Coaches, instead of being a therapist, teacher or instructor
- Shares their own personal content appropriately
- Is a student of themselves
Our Coaching Philosophy
The NPA programme is grounded in the understanding that our actions have tangible impacts, and that our thoughts and emotions are real. By the end of the programme, aspiring coaches will gain insight, understanding and tools to effectively coach people towards a positive change in a culturally relevant way. The North Point Meta-model (NPM) describes how our internal thoughts and feelings affect our external world through our actions and impact, as shown in the diagram below.
Our training approach is a mixture of facilitation, lectures, demonstrations, pair work and feedback, online webinars using a flipped learning model, self-study, and practice coaching sessions.
What We Do
The NPA Certificate in Professional Coaching is accredited by the ICF and was developed to give you all the tools you need to become a fully credentialed coach.
- Skills aligned with International Coaching Federation (ICF) competencies
- 79 Coach Specific Training Hours (CSTH)
- 10 Coach Mentor Support Hours
- Practice Sessions and Partner work
- Business skills to launch your new coaching career
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Meet Our Team
NPA Programme Directors